Introduction of Eyebright Extracts


Eyebright (millet grass, Euphrasia pectinata Ten) is an annual herb of Scrophulariaceae, and the whole grass has medicinal value. Eyebright is erect, 10 to 30 cm tall, unbranched or lower branched, covered with white pilose. Leaves and bracts of eyebright without petiole, ovate to ovoid, 5 to 20 mm long, base cuneate, without glandular hairs. Inflorescences 3 to 15 cm long, short and densely flowered at the first flowering stage, and gradually elongated to fruit alienated. Calyx tubular, 5 to 7 mm long, setose, lobes narrowly triangular, acuminate. Corolla white or lavender, abaxially 5 to 10 mm long, outside pilose, back denser, rest sparsely. The anthers are brown. The fruit is oblong and round, 4 to 8 mm long. Seeds are white, 1 mm long. The flowering period is from June to September.

Growth Habit

Eyebright grows in shady grasslands and thickets, rarely near the edge of the water or under sparse forests. Eyebright likes warm and humid climate, strong adaptability, cold and heat resistance, the most suitable growth temperature is 25 ℃-35 ℃. From May to August, the climate is warm and humid, and the growth is the fastest. At the high temperature of 38 ℃-40 ℃ in summer, the growth is still good. It can be sown 3 times a year and 4 times a year, and the seeds can be harvested 2 times and 3 times a year. Eyebright sown in late August can only be used as feed for livestock and fish, not as seeds. Because of the short growth period, millet grass can be harvested and sown at any time after May, and the annual yield of fresh grass per mu is 0.75-10,000 kg or seed 500-1000 kg. Eyebright can be planted in dryland, but also in paddy fields, swamps and fish ponds, as long as we master the cultivation techniques, we can achieve high yield.

Feed Value

Eyebright can raise fish species. When the plant reaches about 120cm in early June, it can be irrigated to a depth of 40-50 cm in the recommended pool to allow the grass to grow with water and release the fish species at the same time. Millet grass was planted to raise fish. By the middle of May, when the plant height reached 90-100cm, the green feed could be harvested and fed to the herbivorous fish in the temporary culture pond, and then fertilized (urea 3-4kg per mu) to regenerate it. By the end of June, the seeds could be flooded and utilized when they matured, and millet grass could be planted to raise fish species or fish. Compared with rice planting, the seeds could be flooded 30-35 days earlier and 15-20 days earlier than that of barnyard grass, which was beneficial to prolong the growth period of fish.

Efficacy of Extract

Eyebright extract contains flavonoids. Flavonoids have many effects. It is a strong antioxidant, which can effectively scavenge oxygen free radicals in the body, such as anthocyanins. Anthocyanins can inhibit the full-stage overflow of lipid peroxides, which is more than ten times as effective as vitamin E in preventing oxidation. This antioxidant effect can prevent cell degradation, aging, eliminate eye fatigue, improve vision, bright eye reproduction, improve vision and eye function, help reduce bags under the eyes and dark circles.

Eyebright extract contains flavonoids, which has a special effect for pouch and eye fatigue. The efficacy of eyebright has long been documented in the European Pharmacopoeia as early as the 14th century, when the plant was thought to be effective against all eye diseases. Among the western traditional herbal remedies, eyebright is the most famous. Eyebright has been used as an eye tonic in Europe since the middle of the century. Eyebright has been designated by doctors in Europe as a natural eye tonic, known as “drinkable eye drops”.


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