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Enzyme Structure Characterization

Enzyme structure characterization is a key step in the study of enzyme action, properties and regulation. through enzyme structure characterization, we can better understand the mechanism of enzyme action, physiological and biochemical processes, and better apply them in biology, medicine, and industrial production.

Creative Enzymes provides customers with comprehensive solutions for enzyme structure characterization based on our advanced technology platform and rich experience in the industry. We provide useful support for the application and optimization of enzymology in enzyme structure characterization by selecting appropriate methods and combining them with advanced experimental techniques and computational methods.


Our Solutions

We Offer Multiple Methods for Enzyme Structure Characterization

  • X-Ray Crystallography. One of the methods most frequently used to analyze the structure of enzymes is X-ray crystallography. To better understand details like the design of enzyme active centers and substrate binding modalities as well as the structure of enzyme molecules, we utilize X-ray crystallography. This information can offer significant hints and pointers for the investigation of enzyme-catalyzed reaction processes.
  • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR). As a very unique analytical method, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) can perform high-quality and highly accurate structural chemistry studies at the enzyme level. We make use of NMR, which provides high-resolution structural data about enzymes in solution as well as dynamic information on enzyme conformations, including conformational variety and dynamic aspects of interactions.
  • Electron Microscopy. Through utilizing electron microscopy, we can help researchers to understand the precise structural composition of biomolecules and the functions and reaction mechanisms of enzymes.
  • Mass Spectrometry. Through utilizing mass spectrometry, we can swiftly molecularize the architecture, subunit composition, and molecular weight of enzyme molecules. Besides, we can help researchers to better understand the function and biochemical processes of the enzyme by examining the structure of enzymes at the crystalline and single-molecule levels with mass spectrometry.

Applications of Enzyme Structure Characterization

There are numerous uses for the enzyme structural characterization services we offer.

  • Finding New Drugs. For the development of more potent medications, drug target identification and drug screening can be done using information about enzyme structure.
  • Production of Biofuels. The quantity and quality of biofuels can be increased by better understanding the structure of the enzymes involved in the conversion of biomass.
  • Processing Food. Analyzing the structure of enzymes can assist refine food processing techniques. for instance, to lessen waste and raise product quality.
  • Protection of the Environment. We can gain a better understanding of how compounds are changed and destroyed in the ecosystem by investigating the role of enzymes in the environment.

Our Service Workflow


Creative Enzymes is an industry leader in enzyme discovery. Based on our advanced technology platform and experienced team of experts, we provide comprehensive and efficient research services for enzyme structure characterization. By combining advanced experimental techniques and computational methods, we effectively help researchers advance the research and application of enzymes in biomedical, environmental and industrial sciences by effectively revealing the structure and function of enzymes.

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